Introduction: Prayer triplets are an opportunity to reach out to God for support, wisdom, healing and strength for oneself, those in your group, and our congregation. This is not to be an experience where people are forced to share things that they are not willing to share. At the same time it is a time to push oneself to be open with God and those in the group by sharing yourself with the Lord and others in your group.
What is shared in the group is to be treated with care. Do not share what others say without their permission. Do not use this as a gossip time to talk about what others said or did (this is a time to focus on your thoughts, dreams and actions). Do not use this as a time to be negative about others. Use this time as an opportunity to open yourself to Christ and to the vision that he has for you, and his congregation here.
Each group is asked to keep a journal of thoughts and experiences as a reminder of what issues are lifted up for prayer, what insights are gained about the weekly focuses. The group is asked to share about their experience by sending a note of insights or description of the impact of the meeting to Rev. Wallace ([email protected] or bring to the church office).
Each meeting is 60 minutes long. There is to be a meeting each of the next 5 weeks at a place and time that is convenient for the group of three. A guide for the week’s meeting will be provided for your use.
Week One: Please meet sometime during the week of June 22-28th
Theme: Glorifying and Honoring God
Prayer: Lord, we are seeking your presence and asking for your direction in this time. Thank you for each of us in this group. Help us to be willing to listen to each other and to you. Help us to be willing to be molded by you. For this we pray in Jesus name. Amen
Scripture: “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name” Matthew 6:9
Have someone read this passage and then take at least a minute for the group to sit in silence
reflecting on it. You can repeat it over and over in your minds thinking about each word in
the sentence, you can think about what this has meant to you over the years, and you can think
about how you have been respectful of God over the years.
Questions for Reflection and Discussion:
How have you seen God honored?
How do you feel like God has been honored by our church?
How do you feel like you have honored God?
Are there anyways that you feel like you have resisted honoring God? (This is a question that
the participants may choose to answer out loud or they many spend a few moments thinking
individually about it. While it can be tempting to not share your thoughts with one another
on this topic, by sharing you will increase the impact and potential of this time).
How do you hope that our Church will honor God in the next month & year?
Sharing of Prayers:
Share individually about where you are in life. This may be personal struggles, joys, opportunities, fears,
hurts or dreams (having to do with the church or that have nothing to do with the congregation). This is
not a time to point fingers at others but to lift up our feelings and thoughts with sensitivity.
Have each person pray out loud lifting up at least a few words about the topic of the week, the needs lifted
up by himself/herself or another. Also pray for God to mold and shape you and Christ’s church here.
Closing: Each person share how he/she will honor God this week and “hallow the Lord’s name”. After each person shares the group responds: “May you be honored by us this week O Lord.”
Prayer Focus: Triplet Gatherings
Introduction: Prayer triplets are an opportunity to reach out to God for support, wisdom, healing and strength for oneself, those in your group, and our congregation. This is not to be an experience where people are forced to share things that they are not willing to share. At the same time it is a time to push oneself to be open with God and those in the group by sharing yourself with the Lord and others in your group.
What is shared in the group is to be treated with care. Do not share what others say without their permission. Do not use this as a gossip time to talk about what others said or did (this is a time to focus on your thoughts, dreams and actions). Do not use this as a time to be negative about others. Use this time as an opportunity to open yourself to Christ and to the vision that he has for you, and his congregation here.
Each group is asked to keep a journal of thoughts and experiences as a reminder of what issues are lifted up for prayer, what insights are gained about the weekly focuses. The group is asked to share about their experience by sending a note of insights or description of the impact of the meeting to Rev. Wallace ([email protected] or bring to the church office).
Each meeting is 60 minutes long. There is to be a meeting each of the next 5 weeks at a place and time that is convenient for the group of three. A guide for the week’s meeting will be provided for your use.
Week Two: Please meet sometime during the week of June 29-July 5th
Theme: Seeking God’s Kingdom and not our own
Prayer: Lord, we are seeking your presence and asking for your direction in this time. Thank you for each of us in this group. Help us to be willing to listen to each other and to you. Help us to be willing to be molded by you. For this we pray in Jesus name. Amen
Scripture: God “Your Kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” Matthew 6:10
Have someone read this passage and then take at least a minute for the group to sit in silence
reflecting on it. You can repeat it over and over in your minds thinking about each word in
the sentence, you can think about what this has meant to you over the years, and you can think
about how you have experienced or seen God’s Kingdom.
Questions for Reflection and Discussion:
Where have you most powerfully seen “God’s Kingdom”?
Where have you done God’s will this week?
How do you see our church helping to build God’s Kingdom?
What do you feel is God’s specific desire for our church to do in the next year to help build the Kingdom?
Sharing of Prayers:
Share individually about where you are in life. This may be personal struggles, joys, opportunities, fears,
hurts or dreams (having to do with the church or that have nothing to do with the congregation). This is
not a time to point fingers at others but to lift up our feelings and thoughts with sensitivity.
Have each person pray out loud lifting up at least a few words about the topic of the week, the needs lifted
up by himself/herself or another. Also pray for God to mold and shape you and Christ’s church here.
Closing: Each person share how he/she will make God “visible” through her/his actions this week. After each person shares the group responds: “May we help build your kingdom Lord.”
Prayer Focus: Triplet Gatherings
Introduction: Prayer triplets are an opportunity to reach out to God for support, wisdom, healing and strength for oneself, those in your group, and our congregation. This is not to be an experience where people are forced to share things that they are not willing to share. At the same time it is a time to push oneself to be open with God and those in the group by sharing yourself with the Lord and others in your group.
What is shared in the group is to be treated with care. Do not share what others say without their permission. Do not use this as a gossip time to talk about what others said or did (this is a time to focus on your thoughts, dreams and actions). Do not use this as a time to be negative about others. Use this time as an opportunity to open yourself to Christ and to the vision that he has for you, and his congregation here.
Each group is asked to keep a journal of thoughts and experiences as a reminder of what issues are lifted up for prayer, what insights are gained about the weekly focuses. The group is asked to share about their experience by sending a note of insights or description of the impact of the meeting to Rev. Wallace ([email protected] or bring to the church office).
Each meeting is 60 minutes long. There is to be a meeting each of the next 5 weeks at a place and time that is convenient for the group of three. A guide for the week’s meeting will be provided for your use.
Week Three: Please meet sometime during the week of July 5th – 12th
Theme: Seeking what we really need and trusting in what God will provide
Prayer: Lord, we are seeking your presence and asking for your direction in this time. Thank you for each of us in this group. Help us to be willing to listen to each other and to you. Help us to be willing to be molded by you. For this we pray in Jesus name. Amen
Scripture: “Give us today our daily bread.” Matthew 6:11
Have someone read this passage and then take at least a minute for the group to sit in silence
reflecting on it. You can repeat it over and over in your minds thinking about each word in
the sentence, you can think about what this has meant to you over the years, and you can think
about how you have experienced or seen God’s Provision.
Questions for Reflection and Discussion
What do you think or feel are the basic needs we should desire (our daily bread)?
Describe a time when you felt like your needs were taken care of by God?
What struggles do you have in honestly praying for daily bread or in trusting God to provide it?
What things do you act as if are “daily bread” but are really desires or extras?
As a congregation what is the “daily bread” (the basic needs) that God wants us to be meeting?
Sharing of Prayers:
Share individually about where you are in life. This may be personal struggles, joys, opportunities, fears,
hurts or dreams (having to do with the church or that have nothing to do with the congregation). This is
not a time to point fingers at others but to lift up our feelings and thoughts with sensitivity.
Have each person pray out loud lifting up at least a few words about the topic of the week, the needs lifted
up by himself/herself or another. Also pray for God to mold and shape you and Christ’s church here.
Closing: Each person share what he/she will do to grow in trusting God this week. After each person shares the group responds: “Our Lord loves you and is working to meet your needs”
Prayer Focus: Triplet Gatherings
Introduction: Prayer triplets are an opportunity to reach out to God for support, wisdom, healing and strength for oneself, those in your group, and our congregation. This is not to be an experience where people are forced to share things that they are not willing to share. At the same time it is a time to push oneself to be open with God and those in the group by sharing yourself with the Lord and others in your group.
What is shared in the group is to be treated with care. Do not share what others say without their permission. Do not use this as a gossip time to talk about what others said or did (this is a time to focus on your thoughts, dreams and actions). Do not use this as a time to be negative about others. Use this time as an opportunity to open yourself to Christ and to the vision that he has for you, and his congregation here.
Each group is asked to keep a journal of thoughts and experiences as a reminder of what issues are lifted up for prayer, what insights are gained about the weekly focuses. The group is asked to share about their experience by sending a note of insights or description of the impact of the meeting to Rev. Wallace ([email protected] or bring to the church office).
Each meeting is 60 minutes long. There is to be a meeting each of the next 5 weeks at a place and time that is convenient for the group of three. A guide for the week’s meeting will be provided for your use.
Week Four: Please meet sometime during the week of July 13th – 19th
Theme: Being a Place of Cleansing, Healing and Reconciliation
Prayer: Lord, we are seeking your presence and asking for your direction in this time. Thank you for each of us in this group. Help us to be willing to listen to each other and to you. Help us to be willing to be molded by you. For this we pray in Jesus name. Amen
Scripture: “Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.” Matthew 6:12
Have someone read this passage and then take at least a minute for the group to sit in silence
reflecting on it. You can repeat it over and over in your minds thinking about each word in
the sentence, you can think about what this has meant to you over the years, and you can think
about how you have given or received forgiveness..
Questions for Reflection and Discussion:
Tell about the greatest act of forgiveness you have seen or experienced.
What do you see/feel are your greatest barriers to offering forgiveness?
What do you see/feel are your biggest struggles in accepting forgiveness?
What situation or kinds of situations do you have the most difficult time forgiving?
What would help our church to be known as a place or forgiveness?
What is something those in this group could do to move our church toward that vision?
Sharing of Prayers:
Share individually about where you are in life. This may be personal struggles, joys, opportunities, fears,
hurts or dreams (having to do with the church or that have nothing to do with the congregation). This is
not a time to point fingers at others but to lift up our feelings and thoughts with sensitivity.
Have each person pray out loud lifting up at least a few words about the topic of the week, the needs lifted
up by himself/herself or another. Also pray for God to mold and shape you and Christ’s church here.
Closing: Each person share how he/she will deal with an issue of giving or receiving forgiveness (specifics of the situation are not required to be told but a general description can be given). After each person shares the group responds: “May God heal and strengthen you and work through you in this act of grace.”
Prayer Focus: Triplet Gatherings
Introduction: Prayer triplets are an opportunity to reach out to God for support, wisdom, healing and strength for oneself, those in your group, and our congregation. This is not to be an experience where people are forced to share things that they are not willing to share. At the same time it is a time to push oneself to be open with God and those in the group by sharing yourself with the Lord and others in your group.
What is shared in the group is to be treated with care. Do not share what others say without their permission. Do not use this as a gossip time to talk about what others said or did (this is a time to focus on your thoughts, dreams and actions). Do not use this as a time to be negative about others. Use this time as an opportunity to open yourself to Christ and to the vision that he has for you, and his congregation here.
Each group is asked to keep a journal of thoughts and experiences as a reminder of what issues are lifted up for prayer, what insights are gained about the weekly focuses. The group is asked to share about their experience by sending a note of insights or description of the impact of the meeting to Rev. Wallace ([email protected] or bring to the church office).
Each meeting is 60 minutes long. There is to be a meeting each of the next 5 weeks at a place and time that is convenient for the group of three. A guide for the week’s meeting will be provided for your use.
Week Five: Please meet sometime during the week of July 20th – 26th
Theme: Finding safety and protection
Prayer: Lord, we are seeking your presence and asking for your direction in this time. Thank you for each of us in this group. Help us to be willing to listen to each other and to you. Help us to be willing to be molded by you. For this we pray in Jesus name. Amen
Scripture: “And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.” Matthew 6:13
Have someone read this passage and then take at least a minute for the group to sit in silence
reflecting on it. You can repeat it over and over in your minds thinking about each word in
the sentence, you can think about what this has meant to you over the years, and you can think
about how you have experienced God’s deliverance..
Questions for Reflection and Discussion:
How would the ministry of this church change if it were seen as a secure place for everyone?
How do you feel this church is a safe or/and unsafe place?
What do you feel/think would help make this church a safer place?
How important is it that this takes place?
How have you made this church a safer place?
How have you made this church a risky place?
What can you, or this group, do to make the church safer?
Sharing of Prayers:
Share individually about where you are in life. This may be personal struggles, joys, opportunities, fears,
hurts or dreams (having to do with the church or that have nothing to do with the congregation). This is
not a time to point fingers at others but to lift up our feelings and thoughts with sensitivity.
Have each person pray out loud lifting up at least a few words about the topic of the week, the needs lifted
up by himself/herself or another. Also pray for God to mold and shape you and Christ’s church here.
Closing: Each person share how he/she will make this church a place of safety. After each person shares the group responds: “May God use us to watch over one another and protect one another.”