Imagine asking a group of kids, "If you could go ANYWHERE and do ANYTHING where would you go and what would you do?" I'm sure you can guess some of the common answers...Disneyworld, The Beach, Walk on the Moon. What you probably never guess is.... TO CHURCH! It's true! After just a few months in the Kidventure program, one little boy actually struggled with the decision between a family trip to Disneyworld or staying with Grandma and Grandpa so he wouldn't have
to miss church!
Why not? Why should learning about God be boring or dull? After all, Scripture tells us, "The joy of the Lord Shall be our strength." kids really can enjoy learning about God. So, we asked kids what they would most like to do or what they think they will never get to do. Then we used those activities to teach the old message in frresh and exciting way. Our God is an Extreme God...Extreme in Love, Extreme in Grace, Extreme in Patience, and Extreme in Passion for His Children to come to Him! So why not go EXTREME for Him???
Kidventure exists to create an environment where kids discover extreme love for God, His Word, Family,World and are encouraged to develop their own unique and confident response to that love. Stories of holding puppies, swimming in spaghetti, riding in a hot air balloon, and food fights all will be told by the group of kids andvolunteers from the church that piloted this program. But what is even more exciting than that, and more exciting than 300% growth the group experienced in the first 6 months, is the way the kids could still tell you the points they learned, the scriptures they memorized, and how to apply those scriptures to their lives many months later. The smile on their faces when they talked about God, the Church, God's family and His world were the icing on the cake.
This kind of philosophy and curriculum can be adopted for any size church and any size budget wherever there are people who wantchildren'to know and love God in an Extremely Fun and Wonderful Way! Email or Call us today for more information, to ask questions, or to obtain materials. Be sure to check out some of the information below to help you get a picture of Kidventure.
Other resources available: Leadership Structure Information, Financial Information, Volunteer Training Suggestions & Resources, Volunteer Support Systems, PR Strategies & Examples, Church Wide Involvement Suggestions, Donation Recruitment Plan, How to create a WOW Environment, Evaluation Resources.
Main Events are a community outreach WOW kind of BIG Program (or they can be spread over 2 or more weeks as regular curriculum) Main Event curriculum is available for Yuck, Wilderness, Critter, Space and Amazing Race.
Amazing Race: Visit the World and find the message God has for you.
Circus Camp: Learn about prayer, scripture, priorities and the joy God brings.
Circus Camp Life Lessons:
Finding Joy that is real and lasting
How to Pray
The Lord's Prayer
What Prayer is and what it is not
Decision Making skills
Setting Priorities
Why it is important to memorize Scripture and how to do it
Critter Camp: Learning from the richness of God's creatures.
Critter Camp Life Lessons:
God takes care of us and rewards obedience
God's laws and commands are to protect us, not to spoil our fun
We belong to God and God is our Master
God always wants to be with us!
God does miracles to help us, heal us and to provide for us
The difference between magic and miracles
God created each of us unique and special; Our differences can be good
Our value to god and how far God will go to have a relationship with us
Space Camp: Looking at God's help, our calling to shine and how to live in this world.
Survivor Camp: Win the challenge and find the prize God has for you.
Wilderness Camp: Enter the great outdoors and find God's greatness with swinging monkeys, hayrides, obstacles courses and horses.
God is good all the time and all the time God is Good
I can share with others that God is good...being a fisher of men (& women)
I can do all things with a good attitude
God wants us to have joy in life
Working hard and persevering in doing what is right
How to deal with fears and frustrations
How and why to hold on tight to God
The importance of always continuing to grow spiritually and ways to help you do that
Winter Wonderland: In winter we hide ourselves under sweaters and coats and in life we do just the same.
Winter Wonderland Life Lessons:
Body image: our bodies are the temple of God
How we need the family of God for support and care
Fighting against what is wrong and unjust
Gift giving: What kind of gifts God offers us
What kinds of gifts we can offer others
What should our motivation be in receiving and giving gifts
Yuck Camp: A camp focusing on God's grace, overcoming temptation and more.
Camp Yuck Life Lessons:
God's grace saves us
God's grace can make all things beautiful
Living in God's grace is the best goal for our life
God's grace is sufficient
We all need God's grace every day
My word matter: they can hurt or heal
God wants me to live with balance and not overdo even a good thing
God wants me to persevere in doing what is good or right even when it is hard
How to deal with interruptions and setbacks
How to tear down walls of judgmenet, crticism, and prejudice
How to deal with temptation
Putting on the full armor of God
Volunteer Teams Kidventure is designed to get people involved where they are gifted and interested. In this way burnout will be minimized and the joy will be maximized. In one church volunteer numbers went from a dozen to over 200.
Curriculum Example If you would like a Taste of the banquet email: swallacegs@aol.com or call (405) 740-8800.
Lesson Topics Available: While these themes have been placed in "Camps" these themes can be seperated for focus. For a list of topics email us.
to miss church!
Why not? Why should learning about God be boring or dull? After all, Scripture tells us, "The joy of the Lord Shall be our strength." kids really can enjoy learning about God. So, we asked kids what they would most like to do or what they think they will never get to do. Then we used those activities to teach the old message in frresh and exciting way. Our God is an Extreme God...Extreme in Love, Extreme in Grace, Extreme in Patience, and Extreme in Passion for His Children to come to Him! So why not go EXTREME for Him???
Kidventure exists to create an environment where kids discover extreme love for God, His Word, Family,World and are encouraged to develop their own unique and confident response to that love. Stories of holding puppies, swimming in spaghetti, riding in a hot air balloon, and food fights all will be told by the group of kids andvolunteers from the church that piloted this program. But what is even more exciting than that, and more exciting than 300% growth the group experienced in the first 6 months, is the way the kids could still tell you the points they learned, the scriptures they memorized, and how to apply those scriptures to their lives many months later. The smile on their faces when they talked about God, the Church, God's family and His world were the icing on the cake.
This kind of philosophy and curriculum can be adopted for any size church and any size budget wherever there are people who wantchildren'to know and love God in an Extremely Fun and Wonderful Way! Email or Call us today for more information, to ask questions, or to obtain materials. Be sure to check out some of the information below to help you get a picture of Kidventure.
Other resources available: Leadership Structure Information, Financial Information, Volunteer Training Suggestions & Resources, Volunteer Support Systems, PR Strategies & Examples, Church Wide Involvement Suggestions, Donation Recruitment Plan, How to create a WOW Environment, Evaluation Resources.
Main Events are a community outreach WOW kind of BIG Program (or they can be spread over 2 or more weeks as regular curriculum) Main Event curriculum is available for Yuck, Wilderness, Critter, Space and Amazing Race.
Amazing Race: Visit the World and find the message God has for you.
Circus Camp: Learn about prayer, scripture, priorities and the joy God brings.
Circus Camp Life Lessons:
Finding Joy that is real and lasting
How to Pray
The Lord's Prayer
What Prayer is and what it is not
Decision Making skills
Setting Priorities
Why it is important to memorize Scripture and how to do it
Critter Camp: Learning from the richness of God's creatures.
Critter Camp Life Lessons:
God takes care of us and rewards obedience
God's laws and commands are to protect us, not to spoil our fun
We belong to God and God is our Master
God always wants to be with us!
God does miracles to help us, heal us and to provide for us
The difference between magic and miracles
God created each of us unique and special; Our differences can be good
Our value to god and how far God will go to have a relationship with us
Space Camp: Looking at God's help, our calling to shine and how to live in this world.
Survivor Camp: Win the challenge and find the prize God has for you.
Wilderness Camp: Enter the great outdoors and find God's greatness with swinging monkeys, hayrides, obstacles courses and horses.
God is good all the time and all the time God is Good
I can share with others that God is good...being a fisher of men (& women)
I can do all things with a good attitude
God wants us to have joy in life
Working hard and persevering in doing what is right
How to deal with fears and frustrations
How and why to hold on tight to God
The importance of always continuing to grow spiritually and ways to help you do that
Winter Wonderland: In winter we hide ourselves under sweaters and coats and in life we do just the same.
Winter Wonderland Life Lessons:
Body image: our bodies are the temple of God
How we need the family of God for support and care
Fighting against what is wrong and unjust
Gift giving: What kind of gifts God offers us
What kinds of gifts we can offer others
What should our motivation be in receiving and giving gifts
Yuck Camp: A camp focusing on God's grace, overcoming temptation and more.
Camp Yuck Life Lessons:
God's grace saves us
God's grace can make all things beautiful
Living in God's grace is the best goal for our life
God's grace is sufficient
We all need God's grace every day
My word matter: they can hurt or heal
God wants me to live with balance and not overdo even a good thing
God wants me to persevere in doing what is good or right even when it is hard
How to deal with interruptions and setbacks
How to tear down walls of judgmenet, crticism, and prejudice
How to deal with temptation
Putting on the full armor of God
Volunteer Teams Kidventure is designed to get people involved where they are gifted and interested. In this way burnout will be minimized and the joy will be maximized. In one church volunteer numbers went from a dozen to over 200.
Curriculum Example If you would like a Taste of the banquet email: swallacegs@aol.com or call (405) 740-8800.
Lesson Topics Available: While these themes have been placed in "Camps" these themes can be seperated for focus. For a list of topics email us.